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Worldwide Country Guides


When it comes to Forex trading, different countries have different rules. While most of them will offer the same sort of trading experience, including the major, minor and exotic pairs, there are going to be differences when it comes to factors such as licensing, regulation, laws and classification when it comes to tax.

In order to understand what applies to Forex trading in your country and what you should be mindful of, our individual county pages look at the specifics in your country. It will also help you to understand what sort of broker you should choose and whether there is a good choice of local brokers or if you should choose an international one.

Meet Our Authors
Samuel Lowes
Samuel Lowes
Fund Manager

Contributing to the website since 2012 we are one of many consultancy projects Samuel works on. With 38 years of experience in finance, insurance and foreign exchange his combined knowledge makes him an effective operator.

Jessica Green
Jessica Green
Financial Analyst

Jessica has written for us for 5 years and offers a unique perspective due to her having worked in the financial industry internationally. In fact, Jessica has worked in a staggering 8 countries including Germany, China and the USA.

Ben Morratt
Ben Morratt
Portfolio Manager

Ben’s contributions as a freelancer to the site since 2013 are highly valued. He has a real talent particularly within short-term speculation, making many successful trades on the directions of the global financial markets.

Mauricio Carrillo
Mauricio Carrillo
Senior Reporter

Mauricio is a newer member of the team and a very welcome addition. He is a financial journalist and trader with over ten years of experience in stocks, Forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. This experience means he has an excellent understanding of the markets and current events.

Anatol Antonovici
Anatol Antonovici
Senior Reporter

Anatol has been writing for our news site for a year and is the newest member of our team. While he’s new to us, he’s certainly not new to trading with over 10 years’ experience being a professional financial journalist and working in the markets.

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